
The Angry Bookworm

A Blog For Writers.



32,570 words into my novel.

Well, I can write anymore today. I wrote about 2100 words and I think it's time I took a break. I can't write anything more. I feel like a zoo animal being poked with a stick and I'm like go... Continue Reading →

My characters keep on talking to me…

Shut up, bitches. I don't know why they're so insistent. It's almost like this story is writing itself. Anyway, I'm just warming up to write some more scenes and I don't feel like writing, but that's not the best way... Continue Reading →

MILESTONE!!! 30,214 words into my novel.

Shits about to hit the fan. Oh my goddddddddd. Literally, I feel like jumping up and down. I'm about to write some nice juicy scene that I've been working up to. ARGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHHGGH. I am so excited, as you can probably... Continue Reading →

Still 28k into my novel.

Okay, so I had so much shit floating around in my brain that I realised it would be highly unfeasible for me to hold all this information in my head without my brain exploding - splat, kersplat - onto the... Continue Reading →

28,148 words into my novel.

🙂 Exhausted. The guy pov is going to be longer than I expected. So many avenues where I could take this. My imagination is literally on steroids now. Haha, even I'm afraid of it. Well, at least I have a... Continue Reading →

25,663 words into my novel.

I actually want to stop writing from my male pov. Not because it isn't fun. I've actually got a new idea that I'd like to include within his narrative. But I need to finish off his shit first, before i... Continue Reading →

25,229 words into my novel.

Getting near my 30k milestone. Once I hit that grand ole number I should be half-way through the piece, so definitely excited. I've been writing a few fun scenes, so I'm really enjoying myself, I have to admit. That's thing... Continue Reading →

23,213 words into my novel.

I'm doing okay. I feel like I know where I'm heading with the story. I don't advise you to edit as you're writing your first draft. That just takes away precious time you could spend writing the actual draft. I... Continue Reading →

MILESTONE!!! 20,200 words into my novel.

  OH MY GOD!!! I'm metaphorically jumping up and down on my bed! I have reached the oh-so-sacred number of 20k words *adopts Gavin and Stacey accent* "That's fucking faboolous." *Reverts back to Moses music* There can be miracles! If... Continue Reading →

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